Emerald is a leading producer of business-to-business trade shows, conferences, content & media products in the United States. They have ~700 employees, and every year connect over 1.9 million customers across 140+ live events.
Director of Video Production - Larry Holmes - is the expert in video and audio production across the Emerald brands. He works directly with editorial, marketing and sales teams to develop a deep understanding of their objectives, and ultimately create stories with engaging video content.
“The sheer scale of video production can be overwhelming for a small team. Over the past few years, I’ve personally overseen in excess of 3,000 videos for different customers. We need to get feedback on each video - often with multiple revisions - from co-workers and clients all around the world.”
“After we’re clear on the objectives and output, we collect all the video metadata, organize in Adobe Premiere Pro, and process a single timeline of all the video and media collated.”
And that’s when Wipster comes into play.

“I work with a large group of editorial producers. Wipster allows us to collaborate on all our video assets, without the need to look at multiple files. Wipster saves the day in that respect.”
Wipster comes into its own when communicating with clients and their stakeholders.
“Wipster allows non-video professionals to very quickly review, mark-up and recommend changes in a very easy to manage interface.”
Larry’s advice to others out there who may be grappling with the challenges of producing video-led content at scale is simple. “Use Wipster as soon as possible. We started using them five years ago, and never looked back.”
And for those looking at creating terrific live B2B events with compelling video or audio content - get in contact with Larry and the team at Emerald.