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Collaborating with scientists from across the globe: Why using Wipster was a no-brainer for the Society of Neuroscience

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Did you know that we only use 10% of our brain power? 

Did you ALSO know that this popular ‘fun fact’ is, in fact, a myth

Neurologists have confirmed we actually use all of our brain, all the time, even when we’re sleeping - but that didn’t stop the development of an entire movie based on this false premise! Thank goodness for good research and the scientists, doctors and experts that work hard to share it with the public - even if we get it wrong sometimes!

At the Society for Neuroscience (SFN), their M.O. is exactly that. SFN is a member-driven association that supports the research, funding, advocacy, and public awareness of those devoted to understanding the brain and the nervous system. Taylor Johnson, Senior Manager of Multimedia, is in charge of producing content for its 35,000 members across the globe. The Multimedia team acts as an in-house production house, servicing every department in the organization for their multimedia needs, which could be almost anything.

“Our team focuses on organizing and managing our vast multimedia archives, as well as producing original in-house content for the organization - from marketing, to internal communications, and public-facing educational outreach,” says Taylor.

“We also produce content for specialized audiences (like neuroscience advocates and lobbyists), member-facing professional development, promotion of neuroscience resources, and scientific training. Many of our members also contribute to our content creation process.”

No small feat for his team of six! Not only do they need to provide the organization with a broad range of content support, but that content also needs to be detailed, factual, and meet the quality expected from a scientific association and its members.  

“As long as we adhere to the organization’s standards and branding guidelines, our Multimedia team has complete creative control,” Taylor explains, laying out his team’s video production process. 

“We’ll receive a content request, concept, or subject matter that comes from a programmatic team or external stakeholder. We’ll take that concept, then film or record the content, before moving into a multistep editorial process.”

Collaborating with multiple stakeholders on one video is not unfamiliar to the Multimedia team. To get content across the line requires reviews from multiple teams across the organization, as well as internal and external stakeholders who could be experts in the topic - a challenge on its own, which is intensified when working across multiple projects at once.

“The demand and supply of video content at our organization is increasing and we are faced with a number of challenges as we scale up.  Our team is often working on multiple projects at any given time, and we need to organize and track progress, especially when collaborating with different departments.  And with more projects comes more data to backup and store in two different locations, and possibly even a third!”

When it comes to the review and approval workflow for SFN’s content Taylor says, “Emails just wouldn’t cut it.  Multiple people often need to review a project and a video might go through several iterations. The thought of having to corral separate review notes in email trails for even one video sounds painful, not to mention horribly inefficient.”

The solution? Wipster. Since adopting Wipster into their video production workflow five years ago, the whole organization has reaped the benefits.


“Wipster has been absolutely essential in helping our team create content for our organization. Not only has Wipster's easy-to-use platform made external collaboration with stakeholders across the globe effortless, it has become necessary for our internal review and collaboration while we’ve been working remotely during the pandemic.”

Taylor believes Wipster has helped strengthen the organization of his team so they can develop into a fully functioning in-house production unit.

“It saves an enormous amount of time when it comes to tracking a given project’s feedback. All in all, Wipster has streamlined our video review process, giving us more time to focus on the content itself, and that just makes for better projects in general.”

And of course, as Taylor explains, “Saving time almost always means saving money”   

“Thanks to Wipster, our team is an in-house production unit and we don’t need to rely on any additional video production outsourcing, which saves the organization money.”

Want to become your own in-house content production unit too? Taylor says you need to prioritize your production management.

“The most time consuming step in our video production process comes towards the end when we’re tracking review and approval before finally delivering a video product, and I don’t think that’s immediately apparent. For any business thinking of getting heavily into video or scaling up their video output, they really need to prioritize production management from beginning to end.”

“If your business is doing video production in-house, a platform like Wipster is essential. If your business is outsourcing video production, it’s a good question to ask their vendor if they’re using something like Wipster to share progress.”

Taylor continues, “Video for businesses typically requires a lot of stakeholder input, which takes time to receive, and having an accessible platform like Wipster is crucial in getting the feedback needed to complete a project in a timely manner. Having a system like this in place will make everyone’s involvement and time commitment so much easier.”

Work smarter, not harder, just like Taylor and the Multimedia Team at Society for Neuroscience. Start a free trial of Wipster today, or talk to one of our team, and say NO to 10% efficiency! Thanks to Wipster’s streamlined and easy-to-use review and approval workflow, your team could awaken 100% of their video production power too.

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