1 min read

Wipster's Position on your Data and Content Rights

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A lot has been made recently about Adobe's far-reaching Terms of Service, which grant them the right to access all their customers' content through both "automated and manual methods". As users started noticing this new change in Terms, many business owners and creators took to social media to express their concern about their data rights and the privacy of their work. 

According to CNET, "Adobe's loose, wide-reaching language could potentially give the company carte blanche to scan, look at and review any content that passes through an Adobe app or Adobe Cloud servers." (Full Article here).

Since this news became public, we've received a lot of questions from our own customers and other interested parties, and we wanted to clarify Wipster's own position on our customer's content, and the rights to privacy and data ownership that they can expect. 


Many of Wipster's customers are Enterprise organizations with strict content controls - or agencies that produce content on behalf of some of the biggest brands in the world. They might operate under an NDA or work with highly sensitive IP - meaning that they can't risk their vendors having unfettered and ambiguous access to all their data and content. 

Our Promises to You

Wipster customers can rest assured that:

  • All media and content uploaded to Wipster is owned solely by you
  • Wipster employees will never view customers' content or media, unless granted explicit permission by the customer, and even then, only if absolutely necessary for the purposes of providing said customer with technical support
  • Wipster does not use customer data to train AI systems. 

As AI tools become more commonplace, businesses and consumers will increasingly be faced with the choice of what corporations and services to trust with their data. 

For organizations that use Adobe's review service Frame.io, Wipster offers the easiest, most intuitive collaboration platform in the market - and respects the content and data rights of your and your clients, now and in the future. 

You can try Wipster free today or book a meeting with our team.

Wipster's Position on your Data and Content Rights

A lot has been made recently about Adobe's far-reaching Terms of Service, which grant them the right to access all their customers' content through...

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