First, let's make sure you watch the above video tutorial.
In today’s world we have the luxury of working across borders and in different timezones. But to be an effective editor, no matter where you are, you need to be organized.
In this video tutorial, I will show you how I worked with a remote assistant editor who added transcription markers to each crowd sourced submission as comments from within Wipster. This made it easy to find and search for keywords that people said in their interview using the Premiere Pro marker panel (where Wipster comments appear) and ultimately helping to edit faster once all the videos are transcribed.
Let’s review some key points you can use when using this super efficient workflow in Adobe Premiere Pro:
.Premiere Gal is a new free online tutorial program that offers free bi-weekly tutorials on Adobe Premiere Software. Premiere Gal was created by Kelsey Brannan, a video producer in the Washington, D.C. Area, who felt the need to bring more female voices into the video editing tutorial world. Follow Premiere Gal below:
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